Breaking Free

Never live life in your own shadow.
Instead, break free and allow your soul to soar.
If you've ever been in and broken free from an unhealthy situation or relationship, the music video below will speak to you.  If you think it's weird, or dark, or strange, that's okay but don't judge just because you can't relate.  I spent years in a very unhealthy place and it bankrupt me emotionally and spiritually, and I was dying inside. I was tormented by living a "people pleasing" mentality and it was a miserable existence.  But one day, I hit the wall, I'd had enough, I broke free....and I NEVER LOOKED BACK.

There may be times when you go to that dark place just to survive or protect yourself, but trust me, when you break free, and break out, you WILL sing, "Hallelujah, I'm free", and you won't care how you got there or what people think of your journey.  The most important piece is that you're better, stronger, wiser, more grateful, while letting go of resentments, forgiving yourself AND others, and then moving forward on the road to healing and wellness.

Don't ever apologize for your brokenness, what got you there, your journey, your story, or even your mistakes along the way.  They all have played a part in making you who you are today.  All those experiences give you a voice to help others who may be going through similar struggles, pains, or resentments and could need help in breaking free from that bondage as well.  Let your journey inspire someone else who needs a hand up to get to their next mountaintop.

"Let your mess become your message, 
your test become your testimony, 
your trial become your triumph 
and go from a victim to a victor." 

Embrace your becoming moments!
"I have lived my life so perfectly, kept all my lines so carefully.
I'd lose everything so I can sing, 'Hallelujah, I'm free...' "


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