Flaws and All...Loving Your Perfect Imperfections

I found this quote today on Pinterest and it just RESONATED with my soul, so I decided to blog about how I believe that part of Finding Your Fabulous is accepting your flaws and imperfections.  We must learn to live secure in all those things about  ourselves that are quirky, unique, different and unusual.  We have to accept that it's okay that there are places in our lives and within us that are fragmented, but that in the end, those broken places are what allow the light to shine through. 

I've spent most of my adult life feeling like I wasn't good enough or that I didn't measure up to the expectations of others. I've consistently lived with a "people pleasing" mentality, so I speak from experience when I tell you that it's a miserable existence.  Somewhere along life's journey, I got the idea that the only way to make people happy is to be perfect.  I'm not exactly sure when that became my mantra, but regardless, it has made life very difficult.  In addition, I found that the more I felt I needed to be perfect, I would draw things and people to myself that expected that of me.

I would also continually compare myself to others, finding some attribute in someone that I wanted to possess because they seemed more beautiful, successful, appreciated or loved.  Society, the commercial cosmos, movies, television, print, and now, social media, has also convinced us that if we don't look, act, dress, or think a certain way, that we are unattractive, unworthy or unaccepted.  My entire life, up to this point, has been a study of other people for what I might need to apply to myself or my essence.  It's exhausting, debilitating and depressing......and it's all a LIE! 

We are all imperfect, flawed people and the sooner we embrace those things about ourselves that make us unique,  the more empowered we will become! 
        Stop lying to yourself, take heart of these thoughts and put them into action in your life!
Cease and desist with glimpsing into the lives of others and comparing yourself to them. Stop assuming that they have things you think you want or need.  Everything you need to become the best you can be is already within YOU.

If you find yourself in the company of someone who is consistently making you feel as if you are not good enough, step back, step away, turn around, and leave.  If they don't value you for everything you are at this very moment, they never will. 
The only person you should EVER strive to be better for, is YOU.
Own yourself, your strengths AND your weaknesses.  Let NO ONE make you feel inferior or inadequate because of either. 
Embrace who you've been, that person is a part of who you will become.  Don't hold on to the hurts, resentments and disappointments of the past, but rather let them be your foothold to the future.  Let every experience you've had be a stepping stone to your purpose, passion and destiny. 
Your being comfortable with who you are makes you beautiful, strong courageous and attractive.  Your confidence will draw the attention of those who should be in your life and repel any who shouldn't.  You will never have to go looking for a missing piece of you in someone else if you are already completed within.  Then that completeness will draw the right people, things and opportunities into your life.

Your ability to allow the real you to shine through your fragmented soul, to feel secure in your flaws and imperfections, to permit your quirky, unique side to show, will make your FABULOUS radiate to everyone who comes in contact with you. 
Don't be afraid to be all you were designed to be, because by doing so, you just might help someone else realize their potential.  




  1. Fantastic blog. As soon as disease changed me both inwardly and outwardly I had a difficult time adjusting. You hit it right on the nose in this post. My husband, family and friends felt no differently about me, it was MY perception of myself that had changed. Thank you for putting this into words!

  2. So glad that this resonated with you as well! Means TONS that this may have reinforced things for you. You ARE a fabulous woman!


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